Биндер Э.

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Биндер, Эандо (Binder, EandO) псевдоним (E-and-O) американских писателей-фантастов, братьев Биндера, Отто Оскара (Binder, Otto Oscar) (26 августа 1911, Бессемер, Мичиган [Bessemer, Michigan] - 14 октября 1974, Честертаун, Н.Й. [Chestertown, NY]) и Биндера, Эрла Эндрю (Binder, Earl Andrew [Andreas?]) (4 октября 1904 - октябрь 1966).

Сыновья австрийского слесаря, переселившегося в США в 1910. Третий брат - Джек (Jack) - художник. Две сестры - Мэри (Marie Hackspock) и Тереза (Theresa Samuelson).

Основной составляющей дуэта был О.О. Биндер. Он учился в городском колледже Чикаго (City College of Chicago), Иллинойском ун-те (University of Illinois) и Северо-Западном ун-те (Northwestern University). Изучал химию, но не окончил курс. В 1932-36 и 1939-59 был профессиональным литератором. В середине 30-х годов О.Б. перебрался в Нью-Йорк. Работал экспертом и библиотекарем в литературном агентстве Отиса А. Клайна (Otis A. Kline). В 1939 начал писать для комиксов.

Жена - Ион Фрэнсис Турек (Ione Frances Turek) (женился 2 ноября 1940), автор книг для детей. Дочь Мэри Лорин (Mary Lorine) (умерла 27 марта 1967).

Основал и редактировал журнал "Space World" (1960-62). Регулярная колонка О.Б. "Наша космическая эра" ("Our Space Age") публиковалась в 25 американских и 11 иностранных газетах через синдикат Белл-Макклур (Bell-McClure Syndicate).

Был тесно связан с НАСА.

Об Э.Э. Биндере мало что известно. Был фэном, как и братья, жил, видимо, в Чикаго. Работал клерком в промышленности. Перестал писать в конце 1938, хотя помогал брату как агент. После 1940 о нем ничего не известно.

Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Первый марсианин" ("The First Martian", 1932).

Литературное качество произведений Б. оценивается на обычном уровне журнальной НФ 30-х годов, т.е. как никакое. Однако его отличала почти гениальная способность к генерации идей, которые у других авторов становились шедеврами. Именно Б. является автором идеи Супермена, сироты с планеты Криптон, предложив ее друзьям-фэнам Джерому Сигелю и Джо Шустеру. Рассказ "Я, робот" ("I, Robot", 1939) оказал влияние на А. Азимова, пересказ сюжета "Графа Монте-Кристо" в терминах космической оперы в романе "Пять шагов в завтра" ("Five Steps to Tomorrow", 1940, 1968) был повторен с блистательным успехом А. Бестером. Кроме того, в критике можно наблюдать, как суровые оценки произведений Б. сменились постепенно словно бы неохотным признанием их живости и занимательности, определенного ностальгического блеска, откуда недалеко и до признания их малой классикой жанра.

В 60-70 гг. занимался уфологией, опубликовал множество статей и несколько книг.

Публиковались также под псевдонимами Jack Binder, John Coleridge, Dean D. O'Brien, один О.Б. как Ione Frances Turek (или Ian Francis Turek), Гордон Э. Джайлс (Gordon A. Giles) и под издательским псевдонимом Will Garth.



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На Меркурии: НФ рассказ /Сокр. пер. с англ. З. Бобырь; Илл. А. Колли //На суше и на море, 1962 . - М.: Географгиз, 1962. С. 527-575. [Как Гордон Джайлс] [Via Mercury; Via Catacombs; Via Intelligence]

Др. соч.:







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Adam Link, Robot. - Paperback Library, 1965.

[ I, Robot (ss); The Trial of Adam Link (ss); Adam Link in Business (nv); Adam Link's Vengeance (nv); Adam Link, Robot Detective (nv); Adam Link, Champion Athlete (nv); Adam Link Saves the World (na)]

Anton York, Immortal. - Belmont Books, 1965.

[Conquest of Life (nv); Life Eternal (nv); The Three Eternals (nv); The Secret of Anton York (nv)]

The Avengers Battle the Earth-Wreckers. - Bantam, 1967.

The Double Man. - Curtis, 1971.

Enslaved Brains. - N.Y.: Avalon Books, 1965. hc

Five Steps to Tomorrow. - Curtis Books, 1968. pb [(c) 1940]

The Forgotten Colony 1972 [As Otto O. Binder]

The Frontier's Secret 1973 [As Francis Turek]

Get Off My World. - Curtis, 1971.

The Hospital Horror 1973

Lords of Creation. - Philadelphia: The Prime Press, 1949. hc

Menace of the Saucers. - Belmont Books, 1969.

The Mind from Outer Space. - Curtis, 1972.

Night of the Saucers. - Belmont Books, 1971.

Puzzle of the Space Pyramids. - Curtis, 1971.

Secret of the Red Spot. - Curtis, 1971.

Terror in the Bay 1971 [As Francis Turek]


Adam Link in Business (nv) //Amazing, 1940. Jan [Adam Link]

Adam Link, Champion Athlete (nv) //Amazing, 1940. July [Adam Link]

Adam Link Faces a Revolt (ss) //Amazing, 1941. May [Adam Link]

Adam Link Fights a War (nv) //Amazing, 1940. Dec [Adam Link]

Adam Link in the Past (na) //Amazing, 1941. Feb [Adam Link]

Adam Link Saves the World (na) //Amazing, 1942. April [Adam Link]

Adam Link, Robot Detective (nv) //Amazing, 1940. May [Adam Link]

Adam Link's Vengeance (nv) //Amazing, 1940. Feb [Adam Link]

After an Age (na) //Amazing, 1942. Nov

All in Good Time (ss) //Signs and Wonders /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Revell, 1972.

The Anti-Weapon (nv) //Astounding, 1938. Feb

And Return (ss) //Comet, 1941. Jan

Any Resemblance to Magic (ss) //The Long Night of Waiting /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Aurora, 1974.

The Atom Smasher (ss) //Amazing, 1938. Oct

Better Dumb Than Dead (ss) //Journey to Another Star and Other Stories /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Lerner, 1974.

Blue Beam of Pestilence (nv) //Amazing, 1937. Dec

The Cancer Machine (nv) //R. Frank's Bizarre Series, 1940.

The Chemical Murder (nv) //Amazing, 1937. April

The Chessboard of Mars (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. June

A Comet Passes (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. Oct

Conquest of Life (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. Aug

Cosmic Blinker (ss) //Science Fiction Plus, 1953. May

The Crystal Curse (nv) //Weird Tales, 1936. Mar

The Destroyers of Mars (ss) //Action Stories, 1940. June

Diamond Planetoid (ss) //Astounding, 1937. May [As Gordon A. Giles]

Doom From the Void //Science Fiction, 1940. June [As John Coleridge]

Double or Nothing (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942. Oct

Eighty-five and Eighty-seven (ss) //Amazing, 1934. Oct

The Elixir of Death (ss) //Weird Tales, 1937. Mar

Enslaved Brains //Fantastic Story, 1951. Winter

Eye of the Past (na) //Astounding, 1938. Mar

The First Martian (ss) //Amazing, 1932

Five Steps to Tomorrow (na) //Startling Stories, 1940. July

The Flame from Nowhere (ss) //Amazing, 1939. April

Flight of the Starshell (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. Feb [As Gordon A. Giles]

From the Beginning (nv) //Weird Tales, 1938. June

Gems of Life (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. May

Giants of Anarchy (ss) //Weird Tales, 1939. June-July

The Green Cloud of Space (ss) //Wonder Stories, 1934. May

The Hormone Menace (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1936. Aug

I, Robot (ss) //Amazing, 1939. Jan [Adam Link, № 1]

The Impossible World (na) //Startling Stories, 1939. Mar

In a Graveyard (ss) //Weird Tales, 1935. Oct

Iron Man (ss) //Future, 1955

The Judgement Sun (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. April

The Jules Verne Express (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. April

The Killer Plants (ss) //The Killer Plants and Other Stories /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Lerner, 1974. [As Gordon A. Giles]

The Life Battery (ss) //Startling Stories, 1939. July

The Life Beyond //Science Fiction, 1941. Mar [As John Coleridge]

Life Disinherited (nv) //Astounding, 1937. Mar

Life Eternal (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Feb

The Little People (ss) //Fantastic Adventures, 1940. Mar

The Man Who Saw Too Late (nv) //Fantastic Adventures, 1939. Sept

Master of Telepathy (ss) //Amazing, 1938. Dec

The Metal Ocean (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Dec

The Missing World (ss) //The Missing World and Other Stories /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Lerner, 1974.

The Missing Year (nv) //Amazing, 1939. Oct

The Moon Mines (nv) //Wonder Stories, 1933. April

Moon of Intoxication (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. June

Murder on the Asteroid (ss) //Wonder Stories, 1933. June

Mystery World (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1941. April

One Thousand Miles Below (na) //Planet Stories, 1940. Winter

Orestes Revolts (ss) //Astounding, 1938. Oct

Polar Doom (ss) //SF Quarterly, 1940. Summer [As John Coleridge]

Queen of the Skies (na) //Astounding, 1937. Nov

The Robot Aliens (nv) //Wonder Stories, 1935. Feb

The Ring Bonanza (ss) //Startling Stories, 1947. July

Rope Trick,(ss) //Astounding, 1939. April

S O S in Space (ss) //Astounding, 1937. Jan

Science Island (ss) //Startling Stories, 1939. Jan

The Secret of Anton York (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Aug

Set Your Course by the Stars (ss) //Astounding, 1935. May

Shadows of Blood (ss) //Weird Tales, 1935. April

Ships That Come Back (nv) //Astounding, 1935. Nov

Son of the Stars (ss) //Famous Fantastic Mysteries, 1940. Feb

The Space Pirate (nv) //Amazing, 1938. June

The Spore Doom (ss) //Fantastic Story, 1950. Fall

Static (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1936. Dec

Strange Vision (ss) //Astounding, 1937. May

The Teacher from Mars (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1941. Feb

The Thieves from Isot (nv) //Wonder Stories, 1934. Oct

The Three Eternals (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. Dec

The Time Cheaters (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Mar

The Time Contractors (ss) //Astounding, 1937. Dec

The Time Cylinder (ss) //Science Fiction Plus, 1953. Mar

The Time Entity (ss) //Astounding, 1936. Oct

Trapped by Telepathy (ss) //Amazing, 1939. Mar

The Trial of Adam Link (ss) //Amazing, 1939. July [Adam Link]

Valley of Lost Souls (nv) //Amazing, 1939. Feb

Vassals of the Master World (na) //Planet Stories, 1941. Fall

Via Asteroid (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Feb [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Catacombs (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Nov [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Death (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Aug [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Etherline (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Intelligence (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Dec [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Jupiter (na) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942. Feb [Via]

Via Mercury (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Pyramid (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Jan [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Sun (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Mar [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

Via Venus (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [Via]

The Violators (ss) //Planet Stories, 1954. Fall

Vision of the Hydra (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. Aug [As Gordon A. Giles]

Waters of Death (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Jan

A Warning to the Furious (ss) //F&SF, 1953. Aug

Wayward World (nv) //Astounding, 1938. Feb [As Gordon A. Giles]

We Are One (ss) //Comet, 1941. May

When the Sun Went Out (ss) //Astounding, 1937. Sept

Where Eternity Ends //Science Fiction, 1939

The Winking Lights of Mars (ss) //Amazing, 1941. Feb [As Gordon A. Giles]


What We Really Know About Flying Saucers. - Fawcett, 1967. pb [Otto Binder]



Via Etherline (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1937. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 1]

Via Asteroid (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Feb [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 2]

Via Death (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1938. Aug[As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 3]

Via Venus (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1939. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 4]

Via Pyramid (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Jan [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 5]

Via Sun (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Mar [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 6]

Via Mercury (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Oct [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 7]

Via Catacombs (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Nov [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 8]

Via Intelligence (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1940. Dec [As Gordon A. Giles] [№ 9]

Via Jupiter (na) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942. Feb [№ 10]

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[Интервью, беседы]





[Б.а.]  Binder, Eando //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 37-38.

Вл.Г. Биндер Иэндо //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 79.

Вл.Г. Биндер, Иэндо //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Binder, Earl Andrew //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 45.

[Б.а.] Binder, Jack //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 45.

[Б.а.] Binder, Otto Oscar //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 45-46.

Ash B. Eando Binder //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 44-45.

[JC] Binder, Eando //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 71-72.

[JC] Binder, Eando //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 121-122.

[JC] Binder, Eando //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

Binder, Earl Andrew //Who Goes There : A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 14-15.

Binder, Otto Oscar //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 15.


[Б.а.] Binder, Eando //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 187-188.

[Б.а.] Binder, Eando //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 228.

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Copyright © 2002-2006, Alexandr P. Lukashin

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