Андерсон П.

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Андерсон, Пол (Уильям) (Anderson, Poul [William]) (25 ноября 1926, Бристоль, Пенсильвания [Bristol, Pennsylvania] - 31 июля/1 августа, в полночь, 2001, Оринда, Калифорния [Orinda, California]) - американский писатель-фантаст скандинавского происхождения.

Жена - Карен (Karen). Дочь - Астрид (Astrid).

Использовал псевдонимы А.А. Крэйг (A. A. Craig), У. Сэндерс (Winston P. Sanders) [из "Винни-Пуха"], Майкл Карагеорг (Michael Karageorge).


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Долгая дорога домой: Ф роман. - Л.: СП "Совиттурс", 1991. 208 с. 100 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-85087-112-8 (SFинКС) [(о); Пер. с англ. А.А. Полуды; Сер. оформл. Н. Петрова; Предисл.: М. Холодилин: С. 5-11]

Крестовый поход в небеса: Ф роман /Пер. с англ. Г. Александрова под ред. М. Успенского; Худ. А. Шедченко. - Минск: Эридан, 1991. 128 с. 50 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-85872-061-7 (Фантакрим-Extra: Фантастика, приключения, детектив) [Отв. ред. А. Коротаев; Сост. серии Н. Орехов; Ред. Г. Трофимова; Координатор выпуска Информ. центр "БАЮН"]

Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. 576 с. 11 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-88196-276-1 (Координаты чудес) [Ред. А. Корженевский, Т. Корженевская, Н. Науменко; Худ. А. Сальников]

[Патруль Времени; Легко ли быть царем; Гибралтарский водопад; Единственная игра в городе; Delenda est; "...И слоновую кость, и обезьян, и павлинов"; Печаль гота Одина; Звезда над морем; Год выкупа]


Патруль Времени / Пер. Н.А. Науменко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 5-46. [==На страже времен] [Патруль времени]

Легко ли быть царем / Пер. Н.А. Науменко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 47-90. [==Быть царем] [Патруль времени]

Гибралтарский водопад / Пер. Н.А. Науменко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 91-102. [Патруль времени]

Единственная игра в городе / Пер. Н.А. Науменко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 103-136. [==Быть царем] [Патруль времени]

Delenda est / Пер. Н.А. Науменко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 137-178. [Патруль времени]

"...И слоновую кость, и обезьян, и павлинов" / Пер. А.И. Корженевского, А.М. Ройфе //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 179-262. [Патруль времени]

Печаль гота Одина / Пер. К.М. Королева //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 263-358. [Патруль времени]

Звезда над морем / Пер. А.И. Кириченко //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 359-494. [Патруль времени]

Год выкупа / Пер. А.С. Мельникова //Андерсон П. Патруль Времени. - М.: ТКО "АСТ", 1994. С. 495-572. [Патруль времени]

Бесконечная игра /Пер. с англ. Б. Антонова; Илл. Н. Недбайло //ЛР, 1970. № 50 .С. 22-23.

Договор /Сокр. пер. с англ. А.Д. Иорданского; Илл. В. Ловчука //Земля и вселенная, 1971. № 5. С. 66-72. [Как У. Сэндерс]

Драгоценности марсианской короны //Иные миры, иные времена: Сб. Ф /Пер. с англ. - Л.: СП "Смарт", 1991. С. 78-96. [Пер. В. Кана]

Зовите меня Джо /Пер. с англ. А. Бородаевского; Илл. Н. Гришина //ЗС, 1966. № 4. С. 28-32; № 5. С. 42-46. [Предисловие: И. Ефремов: С. 28.]

Патруль времени /Пер. с англ. М. Гилинского //Звезда, 1981. № 8. С. 77-138. [Патруль времени]

[На страже времен; Быть царем; Delenda Est]

Поворотный пункт /Пер. с англ. А. Бородаевского; Илл. Б. Лаврова //ЗС, 1966. № 10. С. 26-29.

Пришельцы с небес /Пер. с англ. Н. Буланова; Под ред. М. Левина //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 316-371.

Самое долгое плавание /Пер. с англ. В. Голанта //Талисман. - Л.: ДЛ, 1973. С. 562-603. [Рис. Л. Рубинштейна]

Самое долгое плавание /Пер. с англ. В. Голанта //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 231-246.

Сокровища марсианской короны /Пер. с англ. К. Сенина //ХиЖ, 1976. № 11. С. 108-119. [Илл. ?]

Убить марсианина /Пер. с англ. А. Бородаевского //Вирус бессмертия: НФ США и Англии /Пер. с англ. - Минск: Изд.-просветительское агентство "Паблисити", 1992. С. 16-23. [Илл. Н. Черкасова]

Царица ветров и тьмы /Пер. с англ. А. Корженевского //Другое небо: Сб. зарубежной НФ. - М.: Политиздат, 1990. С. 92-163.

Др. соч.:





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The Acolytes (ss) //Worlds Beyond, 1951. Feb [==The Tinkler]

Admiralty (na) //F&SF, 1965. June

[With Gordon R. Dickson] The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound (nv) //Universe, 1953. Dec

The Alien Enemy (ss) //Analog, 1968. Nov [As Michael Karageorge]

Amazement of the World (na) //Anderson P. The Shield of Time. - Tor, 1990.

The Ambassadors of Flesh (ss) //Planet Stories, 1954. Summer [==Warriors from Nowhere]

Among Thieves (nv) //Astounding, 1957. June

And Yet So Far (nv) //Fantastic Universe, 1959. Oct [==Condemned to Death]

Arsenal Port (na) //F&SF, 1965. April

Backwardness (ss) //F&SF, 1958. Mar

The Barbarian (ss) //F&SF, 1956. May

Barnacle Bull (ss) //Astounding, 1960. Sept [As Winston P. Sanders]

The Barrier Moment (ss) //Astounding, 1960. Mar [As Winston P. Sanders]

Beringia (na) //Anderson P. The Shield of Time. - Tor, 1990.

A Bicycle Built for Brew (na) //Astounding, 1958. Nov & Dec [==Makeshift Rocket]

The Big Rain (na) //Astounding, 1954. Oct

Birthright (aka Esau) (nv) // Analog, 1970. Feb

The Bitter Bread (nv) // Analog, 1975. Dec

Brake (nv) // Astounding, 1957. Aug

Brave to Be a King (nv) // F&SF, 1959. Aug

The Burning Bridge (nv) //Astounding, 1960. Jan

The Burning Sky (na) //Isaac's Universe Volume One: The Diplomacy Guild /Ed. by M. H. Greenberg. - Avon, 1990.

Butch (nv) //Time to Come /Ed. by A. Derleth. - Farrar, 1954.

Call Me Joe (nv) // Astounding, 1957. April

Captive of the Centaurianess (na) //IASFM, 1978. Fall [rev. from Planet Stories 1952. Mar]

Catalysis (ss) // If, 1956 Feb

Chain of Logic (Logic) (nv) // Astounding, 1947. July

A Chapter of Revelation (na) //The Day the Sun Stood Still /Ed. by R. Silverberg. - Nelson, 1972.

The Chapter Ends (nv) //Dynamic SF, 1954. Jan

Children of Fortune (nv) // Twilight World, Torquil, 1961

Cold Victory (ss) // Venture, 1957. May

The Communicators (na) //Infinity /Ed. by R. Hoskins. - Lancer, 1970.

The Comrade (ss) //Analog, 1988. June

Condemned to Death (nv) // Fantastic Universe, 1959. Oct [==And Yet So Far]

[With Theodore Cogswell] Contact Point (ss) //If, 1954. Aug

Conversation in Arcady (ss) //Analog, 1963. Dec

The Corkscrew of Space (ss) // Galaxy, 1956. Feb

Courier of Chaos (nv) // Future, 1953. Mar

Cradle Song (ver) //Space Folk. - Baen, 1989.

The Critique of Impure Reason (nv) //If, 1962. Nov

Day of Burning (Supernova) (na) //Analog, 1967. Jan

[With Karen Anderson] Dead Phone (nv) //The Saint, 1964. Dec

Death and the Knight (nv) //Tales of the Knights Templar /Ed. by K. Kurtz. - Warner Aspect, 1995.

Death Wish (ss) //The Microverse /Ed. by Byron Preiss. - Bantam, 1989.

Deathwomb (nv) // Analog, 1983. Nov

Delenda Est (nv) // F&SF, 1955. Dec

Demon Journey (nv) //Planet Stories, 1951. Jan [As A. A. Craig] [==Witch of the Demon Seas]

Dereliction (nv) //The Fleet Book 4: Sworn Allies /Ed. by D. Drake & W. Fawcett. - Ace, 1990.

The Deserter (na) //New Destinies, Vol. IV. - Baen, 1988.

Details (ss) //If, 1956. Oct

Dialogue (nv) // Faster Than Light /Ed. by G. Zebrowski & J. Dann. - Harper & Row, 1976.

The Dipteroid Phenomenon (nv) //Galaxy, 1968. Dec [==The Sharing of Flesh]

The Disinherited (ss) //Orbit 1 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Berkley Medallion, 1966. [==Home]

The Disintegrating Sky (ss) // Fantastic Universe, 1953. Aug/Sept

[With Gordon R. Dickson] Don Jones (nv) //Anderson P. Earthman's Burden. - Gnome, 1957.

Door to Anywhere (nv) //Galaxy, 1966. Dec

The Double-Dyed Villains (nv) // Astounding, 1949. Sept

Duel on Syrtis (ss) // Planet Stories, 1951. Mar

Earthman, Beware! (nv) //Super Science Stories, 1951. June

Elementary Mistake (ss) //Analog, 1967. Feb [As Winston P. Sanders]

Elliptic Orbit (ss) //If, 1954. Dec

Enough Rope (nv) // Astounding, 1953. July

[With John Gergen] Entity (ss) //Astounding, 1949. June

Epilogue (na) //Analog, 1962. Mar

Esau (nv) // Analog, 1970. Feb [==Birthright]

Escape from Orbit (nv) //Amazing, 1962. Oct

Escape the Morning (ss) //Boys' Life, 1966. Nov

Eutopia (nv) // Dangerous Visions /Ed. by H. Ellison. - Doubleday, 1967.

Eve Times Four (nv) // Fantastic, 1960. April

A Fair Exchange (nv) //Continuum #3 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Putnams, 1974.

Fairy Gold (nv) //Anderson P. The Unicorn Trade. - Tor, 1984.

[With Karen Anderson] Faith (nv) //After the King /Ed. by M. H. Greenberg. - Tor, 1992.

The Fatal Fulfillment (na) //F&SF, 1970. Mar

The Faun (ss) // Boys' Life, 1968. Sept

[With Karen Anderson] A Feast for the Gods // F&SF, 1971. Nov

Flight to Forever (na) //Super Science Stories, 1950. Nov

For the Duration (ss) //Venture, 1957. Sept

The Forest (nv) // Moonsinger's Friends /Ed. by S. Shwartz. - Bluejay, 1985.

Fortune Hunter (ss) // Infinity #4 /Ed. by R. Hoskins. - Lancer, 1972.

[With Gordon R. Dickson] Full Pack (nv) // F&SF, 1957. Oct [==Hokas Wild]

The Game of Glory (nv) // 1958

Garden in the Void (nv) //Galaxy, 1952. May

The Gate of the Flying Knives (na) //Thieves' World /Ed. by R.L. Asprin. - Ace, 1979.

Genesis (na) //Far Futures /Ed. by G. Benford. - 1995.

Genius (nv) // Astounding, 1948. Dec

Ghetto (nv) // F&SF, 1954. May

Gibraltar Falls (ss) // F&SF, 1975. Oct

Goat Song (nv) // F&SF, 1972. Feb

Goodbye, Atlantis! (nv) //Fantastic, 1961. Aug

The Green Thumb) (nv) // SF Quarterly, 1953. Feb

Gypsy (ss) //Astounding, 1950. Jan

A Handful of Stars (na) //Amazing, 1959. June

Harvest the Fire (na). - Tor, 1995 (as a chapbook)

The Helping Hand (nv) // Astounding, 1950. May

[With Gordon R. Dickson] Heroes Are Made (ss) //Other Worlds, 1951. May [==The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch]

Hiding Place (nv) //Analog, 1961. Mar

The High Ones (nv) // Infinity, 1958. June

High Treason (ss) // Impulse, 1966. Mar

Holmgang (na) //Planet Stories, 1955. Summer [==Out of the Iron Womb]

Home (ss) //Orbit 1 /Ed. by D. Knight. - Berkley Medallion, 1966. [==The Disinherited]

Homo Aquaticus (ss) //Amazing, 1963. Sept [==The Horn of Time the Hunter]

Honorable Enemies (nv) //Future, 1951. May

The Horn of Time the Hunter (ss) //Amazing, 1963. Sept [==Homo Aquaticus]

Horse Trader ) (nv) // Space Folk. - Baen, 1989. [revised from Galaxy Mar 1953]

The House of Sorrows (In the House of Sorrows) (nv) //What Might Have Been? - Bantam Spectra, 1989.

House Rule (ss) // Homebrew, NESFA Press, 1976

How to Be Ethnic in One Easy Lesson (nv) // Future Quest /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Avon, 1973.

Hunter's Moon (nv) // Analog, 1978. Nov

Hunters of the Sky Cave (na) //Anderson P. Agent of the Terran Empire. - Ace 1980. [==A Handful of Stars, exp]

I Tell You, It's True (nv) // Nova 2 /Ed. by H. Harrison. - Walker, 1972.

The Immortal Game (ss) // F&SF, Feb 1954

[With Gordon R. Dickson] In Hoka Signo Vinces (ss) //Other Worlds, June 1953

In Memoriam (ss) //Omni, Dec 1992

In the House of Sorrows (nv) // What Might Have Been? - Bantam Spectra, 1989.

In the Shadow (nv) //Analog, 1967. Mar [As Michael Karageorge]

Incomplete Superman (na) //Future, Mar 1951

Inconstant Star (na) //Man-Kzin Wars III /Ed. by L. Niven. - Baen, 1990.

Industrial Revolution (na) //Analog, 1963. Sept [==Winston P. Sanders]

The Inevitable Weapon (ss) //Analog, 1968. Mar

[With Karen Anderson] The Innocent Arrival (nv) //Galaxy, July 1958 [==Innocent at Large]

[With Karen Anderson] Innocent at Large (nv) //Galaxy, 1958. July [==The Innocent Arrival]

Inside Earth (nv) //Galaxy, 1951. April

Inside Passage (nv) //The Williamson Effect /Ed. by R. Zelazny. - Tor, 1996.

Inside Straight (nv) // F&SF, Aug 1955

Interloper (nv) //F&SF, April 1951

Iron: Part 1 (na) //Far Frontiers, Vol VII. - Baen, 1986.

Iron: Part 2 (na) //New Destinies, Vol 1. - Baen, 1987.

Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks (na) //Anderson P. Time Patrolman. - Tor, 1983.

Joelle (nv) //IASFM, 1977. Fall

Journeys End (ss) //F&SF, Feb 1957

[With Gordon R. Dickson] Joy in Mudville (nv) //F&SF, Nov 1955

Kinetic Kill (nv) //The Fleet: Crisis /Ed. by D. Drake & W. Fawcett. - Ace, 1991.

Kings Who Die (nv) //If, Mar 1962

[With Karen Anderson] The Kitten (nv) // Frights /Ed. by K. McCauley. - St. Martins, 1976.

Kyrie (ss) // The Farthest Reaches /Ed. by J. Elder. - Trident, 1968.

Language (na) //Murasaki, R. Silverberg & M. H. Greenberg eds, Bantam Spectra, 1992

The Last Monster (ss) //Super Science Stories, Aug 1951 [==Terminal Quest ]

The Last of the Deliverers (ss) //F&SF, Feb 1958

Letter from Tomorrow (ss) //Analog, 1987. Aug

License (nv) //F&SF, April 1957

Life Cycle (ss) //F&SF, July 1957

The Life of Your Time (nv) // Analog, 1965. Sept [As Michael Karageorge]

The Light (ss) // Galaxy, Mar 1957

A Little Knowledge (nv) //Analog, 1971. Aug

The Little Monster (nv) // SF Adventures from Way Out /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Whitman, 1973.

The Live Coward (nv) // Astounding, June 1956

Lodestar (nv) // Astounding /Ed. by H. Harrison. - Random, 1973.

Logic (nv) // Astounding, July 1947 [==Chain of Logic]

A Logical Conclusion (nv) //Fantastic, 1960. Nov [==A World to Choose]

The Long Remembering (ss) //F&SF, Nov 1957

The Long Return (na) //Future, Sept/Oct 1950

The Longest Voyage (nv) //Analog, 1960. Dec

Lord of a Thousand Suns (nv) //Planet Stories, Sept 1951

Loser's Night (ss) // Pulphouse, 1991

Makeshift Rocket (na) //Astounding, Nov & Dec 1958 [==A Bicycle Built for Brew]

A Man to My Wounding (ss) // Ellery Queen, 1959. Dec [==State of Assassination]

The Man Who Came Early (nv) // F&SF, June 1956

Margin of Profit (nv) //Astounding, Sept 1956

Marius (ss) // Astounding, Mar 1957

Marque and Reprisal (na) //F&SF, Feb 1965

The Martian Crown Jewels

Pact (ss) //F&SF, 1959. Aug [As Winston P. Sanders]

Pact (ss) //The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Ninth Series /Ed. by Robert P. Mills. - Doubleday, 1960. [As Winston P. Sanders]

Passing the Love of Women, (nv), Continuum #2, R. Elwood ed, Putnams, 1974

The Peacemongers, (ss), F&SF: Dec 1957

The Peat Bog, (ss), Homeward and Beyond: Doubleday, 1975

Peek! I See You!, (nv), Analog: Feb 1968

The Perfect Weapon, (ss), Astounding: Feb 1950

A Philosophical Dialogue, (ss), Outworlds: #8 1971

The Pirate, (nv), Analog: Oct 1968

A Plague of Masters (aka Earthman, Go Home!), (na), Fantastic: Dec 1960 & Jan 1961

Plato's Cave, (nv), Foundation's Friends, M. H. Greenberg ed, Tor, 1989

Pride, (nv), Far Frontiers, J. Pournelle & J. Baen eds, Baen, 1985

The Problem of Pain, (nv), F&SF: Feb 1973

Professor James (w Karen Anderson), (song), West by One and by One, 1965

Progress, (nv), F&SF: Jan 1962

Prophecy, (ss), Astounding: May 1949

The Pugilist, (nv), F&SF: Nov 1973

The Queen of Air and Darkness, (na), F&SF: April 1971

Que Donn'rez Vous? (aka What'll You Give?), (nv), Analog: April 1963

Quest, (ss), Ares: #16 1983

Quixote and the Windmill, (ss), Astounding: Nov 1950

Rachaela, (nv), Fantasy Fiction: June 1953

Ramble with a Gamblin' Man, (nv), Tales of the Flying Mountains, Macmillan, 1970

Recruiting Nation, (nv), Tales of the Flying Mountains, Macmillan, 1970

Renascence, (nv), Analog: Mar 1995

Requiem For a Universe: (ss), Universe: B. Preiss ed, Bantam Spectra, 1987

Rescue on Avalon, (ss), Boys' Life: July 1973

Robin Hood's Barn, (nv), Astounding: Jan 1959

The Rogue (aka Industrial Revolution) (as Winston P. Sanders), (na), Analog: Sept 1963

Rokuro, (ss), Full Spectrum 3, Aronica, Stout, & Mitchell eds, Doubleday Foundation, 1991

Sam Hall, (nv), Astounding: Aug 1953

Sargasso of Lost Starships, (na), Planet Stories: Jan 1952

The Saturn Game, (na), Analog: Feb 2 1981

Say It with Flowers (as Winston P. Sanders), (ss), Analog: Sept 1965

Scarecrow, (nv), New Legends, G. Bear & M. H. Greenberg eds, Legend, 1995

The Season of Forgiveness, (ss), Boys' Life: Dec 1973

Second Thoughts (w Hal Clement, Thomas M. Disch, Larry Niven & Frederik Pohl)

Security Risk, (ss), Astounding: Jan 1957

The Sensitive Man, (na), Fantastic Universe: Jan 1954

Sentiment, Inc., (nv), Science Fiction Stories: #1 1953

The Serpent in Eden, (nv), Omega, R. Elwood ed, Walker, 1973

Sestina of the Cat in the Doorway, (verse), Smorgasbord, 1959

The Sharing of Flesh (aka The Dipteroid Phenomenon), (nv), Galaxy: Dec 1968

The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch (w Gordon R. Dickson) (aka Heroes Are Made), (ss), Other Worlds: May 1951

The Shrine for Lost Children, (ss), F&SF: Oct/Nov 1999

Single Jeopardy (w Karen Anderson), (ss), Alfred Hitchcock: Oct 1958

Sister Planet, (na), Satellite: May 1959

The Sky People, (nv), F&SF: Mar 1959

Snowball, (nv), IF: May 1955

The Snows of Ganymede, (na), Startling Stories: Winter 1955

The Soldier from the Stars, (nv), Fantastic Universe: June 1955

Son of the Sword, (na), Adventure: Jan 1952

The Sorrow of Odin the Goth, (na), Time Patrolman, Tor, 1983

SOS, (nv), IF: Mar 1970

The Star Beast, (nv), Super Science Stories: Sept 1950

Star of the Sea, (na), The Time Patrol, Tor, 1991

The Star Plunderer, (nv), Planet Stories: Sept 1952

Star Ship, (nv), Planet Stories: Fall 1950

Starfog, (na), Analog: Aug 1967

State of Assassination (aka A Man to My Wounding), (ss), Ellery Queen: Dec 1959

Statesmen, (na), New Destinies, Vol. VIII, Baen, 1989

Strange Bedfellows (To Build a World), (na), Galaxy: June 1964

The Stranger Was Himself, (ss), Fantastic Universe: Dec 1954

Strangers, (nv), Analog: Jan 1988

Strength (w Mildred Downey Broxon), (na), The Magic May Return, L. Niven ed, 1981

A Sun Invisible, (nv), Analog: April 1966

Sunjammer (as Winston P. Sanders), (nv), Analog: April 1964

Supernova (aka Day of Burning), (na), Analog: Jan 1967

Superstition, (nv), F&SF: Mar 1956

Survival Technique (w Kenneth Gray), (ss), F&SF: Mar 1957

Swordsman of Lost Terra, (nv), Planet Stories: Nov 1951

Symmetry (revision of The Stranger Was Himself), (ss), Space Folk, Baen, 1989

The Tale of Hauk, (nv), Swords Against Darkness, A. J. Offutt ed, Zebra, 1977

The Tale of the Cat, (ss), Analog: Feb 1998

Terminal Quest, (ss), Super Science Stories: Aug 1951

Territory, (na), Analog: June 1963

Teucan, (nv), Cosmos SF&F: July 1954

Third Stage, (ss), Amazing: Feb 1962

Three Wishes, (ss), Fantastic: Mar/Apr 1953

The Three-Cornered Wheel, (nv), Analog: Oct 1963

The Tiddlywink Warriors (w Gordon R. Dickson), (nv), F&SF: Aug 1955

To Outlive Eternity, (na), Galaxy: June & Aug 1967

Tiger by the Tail, (nv), Planet Stories: Jan 1951

Time Heals, (nv), Astounding: Oct 1949

Time Lag, (nv), F&SF: Jan 1961

Time Patrol, (nv), F&SF: May 1955

The Tinkler (aka The Acolytes), (ss), Worlds Beyond: Feb 1951

To Build a World (aka Strange Bedfellow), (na), Galaxy: June 1964

To Promote the General Welfare, (nv), Continuum #4, R. Elwood ed, Putnams, 1975

Tomorrow's Children (w F. N. Waldrop), (nv), Astounding: Mar 1947 (first sale)

Trader Team (later aka The Trouble Twisters), (na), Analog: July & Aug 1965

A Tragedy of Errors, (na), Galaxy: Feb 1968

Trespass! (w Gordon R. Dickson), (ss), Fantastic Story Quarterly: Spring 1950

The Trouble Twisters (retitle of Trader Team), (na), The Trouble Twisters, Doubleday 1966

The Troublemakers, (na), Cosmos SF&F: Sept 1953

The Tupilak, (nv), Flashing Swords! #4, Lin Carter ed, Dell, 1977

Turning Point, (ss), IF: May 1963

A Twelvemonth and a Day, (na), Fantastic Universe: 1960

Tyranny, (nv), Free Space, B. Linaweaver & Ed E. Kramer eds, Tor, 1997

Un-Man, (na), Astounding: Jan 1953

Uncleftish Beholding (revision of Uncleavish Truethinking, Amra, June 1963), Analog: Dec 1989

Undiplomatic Immunity (w Gordon R. Dickson), (nv), F&SF: May 1957

Unnatural Enemy, (ss), The Ultimate Dinosaur, B. Preiss & R. Silverberg eds, Bantam Spectra, 1992

Upon the Occasion of Being Asked to Argue That Love and Marriage Are Incompatible, (verse), Ye Dragon Runners' Chronicle, 1973

The Valor of Cappen Varra, (ss), Fantastic Universe: Jan 1957

The Virgin of Valkarion, (na), Planet Stories: July 1951

Virgin Planet, (na), Venture: Jan 1957

The Visitor, (ss), F&SF: Oct 1974

The Voortrekkers, (nv), Final Stage, Ed L. Ferman & B. N. Malzberg eds, Charterhouse, 1974

Vulcan's Forge, (ss), Amazing: Jan 1983

War-Maid of Mars, (na), Planet Stories: May 1952

Warriors from Nowhere (The Ambassadors of Flesh), (ss), Planet Stories: Summer 1954

The Ways of Love, (nv), Destinies: Jan 1979

We Have Fed Our Sea, (na), Astounding: Aug & Sept 1958

Welcome, (ss), F&SF: Oct 1960

What Shall It Profit?, (ss), IF: June 1956

What'll You Give? (aka Que Donn'rez Vous?), (nv), Analog: April 1963

When Half-Gods Go, (ss), F&SF: May 1953

When Free Men Shall Stand, (nv), What Might Have Been? Vol III, Bantam Spectra, 1991

Wherever You Are (as Winston P. Sanders), (nv), Astounding: April 1959

The White King's War, (nv), Galaxy: Aug 1969

Wildcat, (nv), F&SF: Nov 1958

Windmill, (nv), Saving Worlds, R. Elwood & V. Kidd eds, Doubleday, 1973

Wingless (aka Wingless on Avalon), (ss), Children of Infinity, R. Elwood ed, Watts, 1973

Wingless on Avalon (aka Wingless), (ss), (as above)

Wings of Victory, (ss), Analog: April 1972

Witch of the Demon Seas (as A. A. Craig) (aka Demon Journey), (ss), Planet Stories: Jan 1951

Wolfram, (ss), Homeward and Beyond: Doubleday, 1975

Women and Horses and Power and War, (na), The Shield of Time, Tor, 1990

Woodcraft, (na), Isaac's Universe Vol Two: Phases in Chaos, M. H. Greenberg ed, Avon, 1991

The Word to Space (as Winston P. Sanders), (nv), F&SF: Sept 1960

A World Called Maanerek (aka Memory), (nv), Galaxy: July 1957

World of the Mad, (nv), Imagination, Feb 1951

A World to Choose (aka A Logical Conclusion), (nv), Fantastic, Nov 1960

Yo Ho Hoka! (w Gordon R. Dickson), (nv), F&SF: Mar 1955


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[Ефремов И.] Пола Андерсона представляет нашему читателю Иван Ефремов //ЗС, 1966. № 4. С. 28.

Холодилин М. Мастер //Андерсон П. Долгая дорога домой: Ф роман. - Л.: СП "Совиттурс", 1991. С. 5-11.




Anderson, Poul William //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 10-14.

[Б.а. {Е. Брандис, Вл. Дмитревский ?}] Справка об авторах //Талисман. - Л.: ДЛ, 1973. С. 638.

Гаков Вл. Сведения об авторах //Другое небо: Сб. зарубежной НФ. - М.: Политиздат, 1990. С. 570.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Андерсон Пол (Уильям //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков. - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 571. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Андерсон Пол (Уильям) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 35-38. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Андерсон, Пол (Уильям) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

Дозуа Г. Об авторе: [Пол Андерсон] /Пер. с англ. Н. Буланова //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 313-315.

Кошенко А., Капельгородская Н. Зарубежный детектив: Энциклопедия. - Киев: ООО "АВДИ", 1993 [1994]. С. 118.


[Б.а.] Anderson, Poul (William) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 8-10.

Ash B. Poul Anderson //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 34-35.

[JC] Anderson, Poul (William) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 31-32. [Foto]

[JC] Anderson, Poul (William) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 31-33.

[JC] Anderson, Poul (William) //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[JC] Anderson, Poul (William) //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 28-29.

Anderson, Poul //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 4-5.


[Б.а.] Anderson, Poul (William) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 164-167. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Anderson, Poul (William) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 173-177.

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