Барр С.

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Барр, Стивен (Barr, Stephen) - псевдоним Стивена А. Райнаса (Stephen A[rnette?] Rynas) (р. 1921) - американского писателя-фантаста.

Публиковался также под псевдонимами Стивен Арр (Stephen Arr), Стивен Арнетт (Stephen Arnette).






По инстанциям //ЮТ, 1969. № 6. С. 26-29. [Как С. Арр (С. Райнес)] [Chain of Command]

Др. соч.:






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The Absolute Ultimate Invention (ss) //Infinity #1 /Ed. by Robert Hoskins. - Lancer, 1970.

The Apprentice Sorcerer //Fantasy Fiction Magazine, 1953. Nov [As Stephen Arr]

The Back of Our Heads (nv) //Galaxy, 1958. Jul

The Ball //Vortex, 1953. # 2. [As Stephen Arr]

Callahan and the Wheelies (nv) //F&SF, 1960. Aug

Chain of Command (ss) //Galaxy, 1954. May [As Stephen Arr]

The Homing Instinct of Joe Vargo (ss) //F&SF, 1959. Dec

I Am a Nucleus (nv) //Galaxy, 1957. Feb

Mr. President //Galaxy, 1953. Nov [As Stephen Arr]

A Sence of the Future


Condoglianze per il neo-presidente //Nettunio 237 [Pratt F.]. - Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1955. [I Romanzi di Urania 83, 16 giu 1955]; Il mostro immortale [Kerruish J.D.]. - Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1955. [I Romanzi di Urania 85, 30 giu 1955]; La rivolta dei Titani [Nourse A.]. - Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1955. [I Romanzi di Urania 86, 7 lug 1955] [Mr. President] [As Stephen Arr]


Aus der Zukunft //Ein Tag in Suburbia /Hrsg. von W. Bergner. - Heyne, 1973. [Üb. von W. Bergner] [The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction - 35. F.] [A Sence of the Future]

Expedition nach Chronos //Expedition nach Chronos /Hrsg. von W. Ernsting. - Heyne, 1965. [Üb. von W. Ernsting] [The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction - 13. F.] [The Homing Instinct of Joe Vargo]


Vad ska jag sдga till min fru? //Galaxy, 1960. # 17, februari [Chain of Command] [As Stephen Arr]



Rynas, Stephen A. //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 126.

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