Галлун Р.

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Галлун, Рэймонд З(инке) (Gallun, Raymond Z[inke]) (22 марта 1911, Бивер Дам, Висконсин [Beaver Dam, Wisconsin] - 2 апреля 1994, Форест Хиллз, Н.Й. [Forest Hills, New York]) - американский писатель-фантаст.

Женат дважды. Первая жена - Фрида Эрнестина Тальми (Frieda Ernestine Talmey) (26 декабря 1959 - развод в 1974). Вторая жена - Берта Эриксон Бэкмэн (Bertha Erickson Backman) (24 февраля 1978 - умерла 30 января 1989).

Первые НФ публикации - одновременно появившиеся рассказы "Обитатели космоса" ("The Space Dwellers", 1929) и "Хрустальный луч" ("The Crystal Ray", 1929).

Использовал псевдонимы Arthur Allport, William Callahan, Dow Elstar, E. V. Raymond.


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The Achilles Heel (ss) //Amazing, 1971. Mar

Asteroid of Fear (nv) //Planet Stories, 1951. Mar

Atomic Fire (ss) //Amazing, 1931. April

Avalanche (ss) //Astounding, 1935. Dec [As Dow Elstar]

A Beast of the Void (ss) //Astounding, Sept 1936

Big Pill (ss) //Planet Stories, Sept 1952

Blue Haze on Pluto (ss) //Astounding, June 1935

Bluff Play (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Dec 1950

Brother Worlds (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Feb 1951

Buried Moon (ss) //Astounding, Feb 1936

Child of the Stars (na) //Astounding, April 1936

Coffins to Mars (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1950

Comet's Captive (ss) //Astounding, June 1937

The Crystal Ray (ss) //Air Wonder Stories, Nov 1929

Dark Sun (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1937

Davey Jones' Ambassador (nv) //Astounding, Dec 1935

Dawn of the Demi-Gods //Planet Stories, Summer 1954

Dawn-World Echoes (nv) //Astounding, July 1937

Death and the Dictator //Science Fiction, Oct 1940

Derelict (ss) //Astounding, Oct 1935

A Dictator For All Time //Marvel, Nov 1940

The Eternal Wall (ss) //Amazing, 1942. Nov

[With Jerome Bixby] Ev (ss) //Astounding, 1952. Feb

Fires of Genesis (na) //Astounding, Mar 1937

A First Glimpse (ss) //Analog, Feb 1980

The First Long Journey (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1951

The Flight of the RX-1 (ss) //Amazing, 1933. July

Gears for Nemesis (ss) //Startling Stories, Jan 1942

The Gentle Anger (ss) //Astro Adventures #5, Oct 1988

The Gentle Brain (ss) //SF Quarterly, Summer 1940 [As Arthur Allport]

Give Back a World (nv) //Planet Stories, May 1953

Godson of Almarlu (na) //Astounding, Oct 1936

The Great Idea (ss) //Startling Stories, Jan 1952

Guardian Angel (ss) //Super Science Stories, May 1940

Hell-Stuff for Planet X (ss) //Startling Stories, June 1943

Hotel Cosmos (ss) //Astounding, July 1938

Invaders of the Forbidden Moon (nv) //Planet Stories, Summer 1941

Iszt-Earthman (nv) //Astounding, April 1938

The Long Winter (ss) //Astounding, May 1940

The Lotus-Engine (ss) //Super Science Stories, Mar 1940

Luminous Mine (ss) //Astounding, Jan 1937

The Lunar Chrysalis (ss) //Amazing, 1931. Sept

Lunar Parasites //Captain Future, Summer 1940

The Machine from Ganymede (ss) //Astounding, Nov 1934

The Machine That Thought (ss) //Science Fiction, Mar 1939 [As William Callahan]

Mad Robot (ss) //Astounding, Mar 1936

Magician of Dream Valley (ss) //Astounding, Oct 1938

Masson's Secret (ss) //Astounding, Sept 1939

A Menace in Miniature (ss) //Astounding, Oct 1937

Mercutian Adventure (ss) //Astounding, Feb 1938

A Meteor Legacy (ss) //Astounding, Aug 1941

Mind Over Matter (ss) //Astounding, Jan 1935

N'Goc (ss) //Astounding, May 1935

Nemesis from Lilliput (ss) //Startling Stories, May 1940

Old Faithful (nv) //Astounding, 1934. Dec

Operation Pumice (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1949

Passport to Jupiter (na) //Startling Stories, Jan 1951

The Path (ss) //Astounding, Nov 1936

Philosopher's Asteroid (ss) 1956

Prodigal's Aura (nv) //Astounding, April 1951

The Raiders of Saturn's Rings (nv) //Planet Stories, Fall 1941

Red Shards of Ceres (ss) //Fantastic Story Quarterly, Spring 1950

Renegade From Saturn (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Mar 1940

The Restless Tide (ss) //Marvel SF, Nov 1951

Return of a Legend (ss) //Planet Stories, Mar 1952

Sarker's Joke Box (ss) //Amazing, 1942. Mar

Saturn's Ringmaster (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Dec 1936

The Scarab (ss) //Astounding, Aug 1936

Scientist Disowned (ss) //Amazing, 1942. June

The Second Cataclysm (ss) //Astounding, Mar 1937 [As Dow Elstar]

Secret of the Comet (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Jan 1941

Seeds of the Dusk (nv) //Astounding, 1938. June

The Shadow of the Veil (ss) //Astounding, Feb 1939

Something from Jupiter (na), //Astounding, Mar 1938 [As Dow Elstar]

The Son of Old Faithful (na) //Astounding, 1935. July

Sort of Like Atlas (ss) //Astro Adventures #7, April 1989

Space Oasis (nv) //Planet Stories, Fall 1942

The Space-Dwellers (ss) //Science Wonder Stories, Nov 1929

Space Flotsam (ss) //Astounding, Feb 1934

Stamped Caution (nv) //Galaxy, Aug 1953

[With Robert S. McCready] Stardust Gods (na) //Astounding, Oct 1937 [As Dow Elstar]

Stepson of Space (ss) //Astonishing, Oct 1940

Tangled Paths (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, July 1940

Telepathic Piracy (ss) //Astounding, Mar 1935

Terror Out of the Past (nv) //Amazing, 1940. Mar

Then and Now (nv) //Analog, 1977. Dec

Thunder Voice (ss) //Astounding, Feb 1938 [As Dow Elstar]

Trail Blazer (ss) //Fantastic Story Magazine, Fall 1951

The Wand of Creation (ss) //Astounding, Sept 1934

Wave of Compulsion (ss) 1932

The Weapon (ss) //Astounding, May 1936

The World Wrecker (ss) //Astounding, June 1934




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[Б.а.] Gallun, Reymond (sic!) Zinke //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 187.

Вл.Г. Гэллун Рэймонд З(инке) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 189. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Гэллун, Рэймонд З(инке) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1. - Chicago: Advent, 1974. P. 179.

Ash B. Raymond Gallun //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 102.

[JC] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 241-242. [Foto]

[JC] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 465-466.

[JC] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

Gallun, Raymond Z. //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 55.


[Б.а.] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 325. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Gallun, Raymond Z(inke) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 466-467. [Foto]

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