Оливер Ч.

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Оливер, (Симмз) Чэд(вик) (Oliver, [Symmes] Chad[wick]) (30 марта 1928, Цинциннати, Огайо [Cincinnati, Ohio] - 9 августа 1993, Остин, Техас [Austin, Texas]) - американский писатель-фантаст. Переехал в Техас в 1944. Закончил университет штата Техас в Остине по специальностям "английская филология" (B.A.) и "антропология" (M.A.). Его "дипломная работа"  "И построили они башню" ("They Builded a Tower", 1952) была посвящена НФ, являясь одной из первых академических работ в этой области. Защитил диссертацию в университете штата Калифорния (UCLA) в Лос Анджелесе (Ph.D.). Работал ассистентом (Assistant Prof.), профессором антропологии в университете штата Техас до ухода на пенсию в 1990. Вел полевые исследования - жил в племени акамбо - в Кении в 1962 по своему проекту "Культура и экология в Западной Африке", что нашло отражение в его произведениях. В Техасском университете существует стипендиальный фонд имени профессора Оливера и ежегодная премия для преподавателей в его честь.

Был женат на Бетси Джейн Дженкинс (Betsy Jane Jenkins) (1 ноября 1952-до конца).

Начал читать НФ в 15 лет, в 40-е гг. активно писал письма в НФ журналы, издавал свой собственный фэнзин.

Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Страна потерянного содержания" ("The Land of Lost Content", 1950).

Э. Бучер назвал роман "Тени на Cолнце" ("Shadows in the Sun", 1954) лучшим произведением антропологической НФ, которое он когда-либо читал.

Писал также вестерны. Лауреат Western Writers of America Spur Award (1967) за роман "Мой брат волк" ("The Wolf is My Brother").

Произведения О. переведены на болгарский, венгерский, грузинский, китайский, корейский, монгольский, немецкий, польский, румынский, сербско-хорватский, словацкий, французский, чешский, японский.



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Обложка сборника "Другой вид" ("Another Kind", 1955). Художник Ричард Пауэрс (Richard Powers).



Ветер времени. - М.: Мир, 1965. 256 с. (ЗФ) [Пер. с англ. Н. Рахмановой; Илл. А. Соколова; Ред. И. Гурова] [The Winds of Time. 1957]

[Е. Парнов. Уэстон Чейз между двумя мирами; Ветер времени]


Звезда над нами /Пер. с англ. И. Почиталина //Пески веков: Сб. НФ рассказов о времени. - М.: Мир, 1970. С. 128-181. [A Star Above It]

Неземные соседи /Пер. с англ. Х. Иванова //Неземные соседи: Ф романы. - Н. Новгород: Флокс, 1992. С. 5-120. [Unearthly Neighbors, 1960]

Одержимый страстью /Пер. с англ. И. Буровой //Путешествие к Арктуру. - СПб.: АП "Васильевский остров", 1993. С. 371-413. [Илл. ?]

Почти люди: Ф рассказ /Сокр. пер. с англ. Н. Кондратьева; Рис. Б. Диодорова //На суше и на море, 1969. - М.: Мысль, 1969. С. 487-515. [A Friend to Man]

Др. соч.:







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Another Kind. - Ballantine Books, 1955. 170 pp. hc

[The Mother of Necessity; Rite of Passage; Scientific Method; Night; Transformer; Artifact; A Star Above It]

The Edge of Forever: Classic Anthropological Science Fiction /Ed. by William F. Nolan. - L.A.: Sherbourne Press, 1971. 305 pp. hc.

[Worlds of Chad Oliver: A Biographical Introduction /William F. Nolan; Transfusion; A Friend to Man; Field Expedient; The Ant and the Eye; First to the Stars; Didn't He Ramble; Afterthoughts; Chad Oliver's Collected Science Fiction: A Basic Checklist /William F. Nolan]

Giants in the Dust. - Pyramid, 1976.

Mists of Dawn. - Winston, 1952. [Juvenile]

Shadows in the Sun. - Ballantine Books, 1954. hc [Novel]

Shadows in the Sun. - Lnd.: Reinhardt, 1955. hc [Novel]

Shadows in the Sun. - Crown, 1985. 207 pp. hc ISBN 0-517-55867-X [Novel; Introduction by George Zebrowski; Afterword by the author]

The Shores of Another Sea. - Signet, 1971. [Novel]

The Shores of Another Sea. - Lnd.: Gollantz, 1971. [Novel]

The Shores of Another Sea. - Crown 1984. 214 pp. hc ISBN 0-517-55186-1 [Novel]

Unearthly Neighbors. - Ballantine, 1960. [Novel]

Unearthly Neighbors. - Crown, 1984. 208 pp. hc ISBN 0-517-55294-9 [Novel; The first three chapters have been completely redone, and there are other changes; Foreword by George Zebrowski; Afterword by the author]

Winds of Time. - Garden City: Doubleday, 1957. hc

Winds of Time. - SF Book Club, 

Winds of Time. - Pocket, 1959

Winds of Time. - Avon, 


Anachronism (ss) //F&SF, 1953. April

Anachronism (ss) //Galaxy, 1994. Mar/Apr

The Ant and the Eye (nv) //Astounding, 1953. April

Any More at Home Like You? (ss) //Star SF Stories #3 /Ed. by F. Pohl. - Ballantine, 1954.

Artifact (nv) //F&SF, 1955. June

Between the Thunder and the Sun (nv) //F&SF, 1957. May

Between the Thunder and the Sun (na) //The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 7 /Ed. by A. Boucher. - Ace, 1958. P. 115-172.

Blood's a Rover (nv) //Astounding, 1952. May 

The Boy Next Door (ss) //F&SF, 1951. June 

Caravans Unlimited: Monitor (nv) //Continuum #4 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Putnam, 1975.

Caravans Unlimited: Stability (nv) //Continuum #2 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Putnam, 1974.

Community Study (nv) //Lone Star Universe /Ed. by George W. Proctor & Steven Utley. - Heidelberg, 1976.

Controlled Experiment (ss) //Orbit #5, 1954

Didn't He Ramble (ss) //F&SF, 1957. April 

Didn't He Ramble (ss) //Oliver Ch. The Edge of Forever: Classic Anthropological Science Fiction. - Sherbourne Press, 1971. P.

The Edge of Forever (ss) //Astounding, 1951. Dec. 

End of the Line (nv) //F&SF, 1965. Jan.

Far from This Earth (ss) //The Year 2000 /Ed. by H. Harrison. - Doubleday, 1970.

Field Expedient (nv) //Astounding, 1955. Jan  

Final Exam (ss) //Fantastic, 1952. Nov/Dec

Final Exam (ss) //The Worlds of Science Fiction /Ed. by Theodore W. Hipple & Robert G. Wright. - Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1979. P. 196-211. [Ill. by Mark Corcoran]

First to the Stars (nv) //Oliver Ch. The Edge of Forever. - Sherbourne, 1971. [== Stardust]

A Friend to Man (nv) //Oliver Ch. The Edge of Forever. - Sherbourne, 1971. [== Let Me Live in a House]

Ghost Town (nv) //Analog, 1983. mid-Sept 

The Gift (nv) //Future Kin /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Doubleday, 1974.

Guardian Spirit (nv) //F&SF, 1958. April [== The Marginal Man]

[With Ch. Beaumont ] The Guests of Chance (ss) //Infinity, 1956. June 

Hands Across Space (ss) //SF Plus, 1953. Aug [== Scientific Method]

Hands Across Space (ss) //The Human Zero and Other Science Fiction Masterpieces /Ed. by Sam Moskowitz & Roger Elwood. - Tower, 1967. [== Scientific Method]

Hardly Worth Mentioning (nv) //Fantastic, 1953. May/June

[With Ch. Beaumont ] I, Claude (ss) //F&SF, 1956. Feb

Just Like a Man (na) //Fantastic Stories, 1966. July 

King of the Hill (ss) //Again, Dangerous Visions /Ed. by H. Ellison. - Doubleday, 1972.

Lady Killer (ss) //Startling Stories, 1952. Mar.

A Lake of Summer (ss) //The Bradbury Chronicles //Ed. by W. F. Nolan & M. H. Greenberg. - Roc, 1991.

The Land of Lost Content (ss) //Super Science Stories, 1950. Nov.

[With Ch. Beaumont ] The Last Word (ss) //F&SF, 1955. April

[With Ch. Beaumont ] The Last Word (ss) //The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 5 /Ed. A. Boucher. - Ace, 1956 . P. 242-253.

Let Me Live in a House (nv) //Universe, 1954. Mar [== A Friend to Man]

Let Me Live in a House (nv) //Sciense Fiction Terror Tales /Ed. by G. Conklin. - N.Y.: Gnome, 1955. [== A Friend to Man]

Let Me Live in a House (nv) //Sciense Fiction Terror Tales /Ed. by G. Conklin. - Pocket Books, 1955. [== A Friend to Man]

The Life Game (nv) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1953. June 

The Marginal Man (nv) //3 to the Highest Power /Ed. by William F. Nolan. - Avon, 1968. [== Guardian Spirit]

Meanwhile, Back on the Reservation (ss) //Analog, 1981. April 

The Middle Man (nv) //Continuum #3 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Putnam, 1974.

The Mother of Necessity (ss) //Oliver Ch. Another Kind. - Ballantine, 1955. P. 

The Mother of Necessity (ss) //Great Science Fiction By Scientists /Ed. by G. Conklin. - Collier, 1962 . P. 241-256.

Night (ss) //If, 1955. Mar 

North Wind (nv) //F&SF, 1956. Mar 

Of Course (ss) //Astounding, 1954. May 

Old Four-Eyes //Synergy: New SF, Vol. 4 /Ed. by George Zebrowski. - HBJ Harvest, 1989.

The One That Got Away (ss) //F&SF, 1959. May 

Pilgrimage (ss) //F&SF, 1958. Feb 

Rewrite Man (ss) //F&SF, 1957. Sept 

Rite of Passage (nv) //Astounding, 1954. April 

Scientific Method (ss) //Oliver Ch. Another Kind. - Ballantine, 1955. P.  [== Hands Across Space]

Second Nature (nv) //Future Quest /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Avon, 1973.

Shadows in the Sun (n) //UFOs: The Greatest Stories /Ed. by Martin H. Greenberg. - MJF Books, 1996. P. 107-212.

Shaka! (nv) //Continuum #1 /Ed. by R. Elwood. - Putnam, 1974.

The Shore of Tomorrow (nv) //Startling Stories, 1953. Mar 

A Star Above It (ss) //Oliver Ch. Another Kind. - Ballantine, 1955. P. 

Stardust (nv) //Astounding, 1952. July [== First to the Stars] 

A Stick for Harry Eddington (ss) //F&SF, 1965. Aug 

The Subversives (ss) //Startling Stories, 1952. Feb [== Win the World] 

Technical Advisor (ss) //F&SF, 1953. Feb 

[With Ch. Beaumont ] To Hell With Claude (ss) //Beaumont Ch. Selected Stories. - Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest, 1988. P. 348-360.

To Whom It May Concern (ss) //A Spadeful of Spacetime /Ed. by F. Saberhagen. - Ace, 1981. P. 12-31.

Transformer (ss) //F&SF, 1954. Nov 

Transfusion (nv) //Astounding, 1959. June 

Transfusion (nv) //Worlds of When /Ed. by G. Conklin. - Pyramid, 1962

Win the World (ss) //Looking Forward /Ed. by Milton Lesser. - Beechhurst Press, 1953. [== The Subversives] 

The Wind Blows Free (nv) //F&SF, 1957. July 

The Winds of Time (n) //Three in Time /Ed. by Jack Dann, Pamela Sargent & George Zebrowski. - White Wolf, 1997. P. 20-185.


Broken Eagle. - Bantam, 1989. 296 pp. pb ISBN 0-553-27997-1

The Cannibal Owl. - Bantam, 1994. 305 pp. pb ISBN 0-553-29656-6 [Cover by Lou Glanzman]

The Wolf is My Brother. - NAL, 1967. 144 p. pb


Ecology and Cultural Continuity As Contributing Factors In the Social Organization of the Plains Indians, 1962.







[ Немецкий ]









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Ляпунов Б. В мире мечты: Обзор научно-фантастической литературы. - М.: Книга, 1970. С. 199, 205.

Парнов Е. Уэстон Чейз между двумя мирами //Оливер Ч. Ветер времени. - М.: Мир, 1965. С. 5-13.

Петров Н. В ожидании первого контакта: О рассказах Чэда Оливера "Почти люди" и Айзека Азимова "Нечаянная победа" //На суше и на море, 1969. - М.: Мысль, 1969. С. 516-518.

[Интервью, беседы]



Hall, Halbert W. The Work of Chad Oliver: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide. - Center for the Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy Cushing Library, Texas A&M University. Copyright 1985, 1989, 2002 by Hal W. Hall.



[Б.а.] Oliver, Symmes Chadwick //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 334.

Вл.Г. Оливер (Сайммс) Чэд(вик) //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 427-428. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Оливер, (Сайммс) Чэд(вик) //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Oliver, (Symmes) Cad(wick) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 2 . - Chicago: Advent, 1978. P. 336-337.

Ash B. Chad Oliver //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 159.

[JC] Oliver, Chad //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 435-436.

[JC] Oliver, Chad //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 888.

[JC] Oliver, Chad //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

Conklin G. Chad Oliver (in) //Great Science Fiction By Scientists /Ed. by G. Conklin. - Collier, 1962. P. 242.

Oliver, Symmes C(hadwick) //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 109.


[Б.а.] Oliver, (Symmes) Chad(wick) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 496-497. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Oliver, (Symmes) Chad(wick) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 765. [Foto]

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