Типтри Дж.

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Типтри-мл., Джеймс (Tiptree, James Jr.) - псевдоним Шелдон, Элис Хастингс Брэдли (Sheldon, Alice Hastings Bradley) (24 августа 1915, Чикаго, Иллинойс [Chicago, Il.] - 19 мая 1987, Маклин, Вирджиния [McLean, Virginia]) - американской писательницы-фантастки. Отец - исследователь Африки Герберт Брэдли (Herbert Bradley), адвокат и географ. Мать - писательница Мэри Хастингс Брэдли (Mary Hastings Bradley), географ и писательница, специализировавшаяся на книгах о путешествиях (35 книг). В детстве много путешествовала с родителями по Африке и Индии. Работала как художник с 1925 по 1941. Во время Второй Мировой войны работала в фоторазведке. Вышла в отставку в чине майора - необычайно высокий чин для женщины в это время. После женитьбы жила в глуши Вирджинии с мужем. Поступила вместе с мужем на правительственную службу - в ЦРУ, и через два года оставила ее. Преподавала психологию и статистику в Американском ун-те и Ун-те им. Дж. Вашингтона с 1955 по 1968 (оба в Вашингтоне, дистрикт Колумбия). Получила степень доктора философии (PhD) в 1967 по специальности "экспериментальная психология". Измученные болезнями - муж писательницы был полностью парализован и ослеп в результате болезни Альцгеймера, проявившейся в начале 1980-х, она страдала от язвы желудка, сердечных приступов и депрессии, - супруги решили добровольно уйти из жизни. Застрелила мужа, а потом покончила с собой выстрелом в голову в 3-30 дня, предупредив перед этим своего адвоката. "Alli and Ting служили вместе, жили вместе и закончили службу вместе" (G. Willik). Жила в пригороде столицы США, городке Маклин.

Мужья - первый - Уильям Дэви (William Davey) (1934 - развод 1938), второй - Хантингтон Шелдон (Huntington Sheldon) (1903 - 1987) (1945 - до смерти).

Первая публикация - статья "Счастливчики" ("The Lucky Ones", 1946).

Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Рождение коммивояжера" ("Birth of a Salesman", 1968), в названии аллюзия к знаменитой пьесе А. Миллера "Смерть коммивояжера".

Псевдоним писательницы происходит от названия английского мармелада и родился у витрины кондитерской в 1967.

Псевдоним писательницы был раскрыт в 1977.

Лауреат премии Хьюго (1974, 1977), Небьюла (1973, 1976, 1977), Локус (1984).

Публиковалась также под псевдонимом Raccoona Sheldon.

Произведения Т. переведены на болгарский, венгерский, монгольский, немецкий, польский, сербско-хорватский, словацкий, французский, чешский, японский.



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Обложка книги "Her Smoke Rose Up Forever" (1990).

Обложка книги "The Starry Rift" (1986).

Обложка книги "Star Songs of an Old Primate" (1978).

Обложка книги "Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions" (1981).

Обложка книги "Ten Thousand Light Years from Home" (1973).

Обложка романа "Up the Walls of the World" (1978).

Обложка книги "Warm Worlds and Otherwise" (1975).




Последняя из могикан, или Небо в алмазах /Пер. с англ. А. Комаринец //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 629-666.

Др. соч.:






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Brightness Falls from the Air. - Tor, 1985.

Byte Beautiful. - Doubleday, 1986.

[Beam Us Home (ss); Excursion Fare (nv); I'll Be Waiting for You When the Swimming Pool Is Empty (ss); Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death (ss); The Man Who Walked Home (ss); The Peacefulness of Vivyan (ss); With Delicate Mad Hands (na); Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! (ss)]

Crown of Stars. - Tor, 1988.

[All This and Heaven Too (nv); Backward, Turn Backward (ss); Come Live with Me (nv); The Earth Doth Like a Snake Renew (nv); In Midst of Life (na); Last Night and Every Night (ss); Morality Meat (nv); Our Resident Djinn (ss); Second Going (nv); Yanqui Doodle (nv)]

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever. - Arkham House, 1990. hc

[And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side (ss); And I Have Come Upon This Place by Lost Ways (nv); And So On, And So On (ss); The Girl Who Was Plugged In (nv); Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (nv); Houston, Houston, Do You Read? (na); The Last Flight of Doctor Ain (ss); Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death (ss); The Man Who Walked Home (ss); A Momentary Taste of Being (na); On the Last Afternoon (na); The Screwfly Solution (ss); She Waits for All Men Born (ss); Slow Music (na); We Who Stole the Dream (nv); With Delicate Mad Hands (na); The Women Men Don't See (nv); Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! (ss)]

Meet Me at Infinity. - Tor, 2000. hc

[The Color of Neanderthal Eyes (na); A Day Like Any Other (ss); Go From Me, I Am One of Those Who Pall: (A Parody of My Style) (play); Happiness Is a Warm Spaceship (nv); Please Don’t Play With the Time Machine (ss); Press Until the Bleeding Stops (ss); Trey of Hearts (ss); The Trouble Is Not In Your Set (ss)]

Out Of The Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions. - Ballantine, 1981. pb

[Angel Fix (nv); Beaver Tears (ss); Out of the Everywhere (nv); The Screwfly Solution (ss); Slow Music (na); A Source of Innocent Merriment (ss); Time-Sharing Angel (ss); We Who Stole the Dream (nv); With Delicate Mad Hands (na); Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! (ss)]

Star Songs of an Old Primate. - Ballantine, 1978. pb

[ And So On, And So On (ss); Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (nv); Houston, Houston, Do You Read? (na); A Momentary Taste of Being (na); The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats (nv); She Waits for All Men Born (ss); Your Haploid Heart (nv)]

The Starry Rift. - Tor, 1986.

[Collision (na); Good Night, Sweethearts (nv); The Only Neat Thing To Do (na)]

Tales of the Quintana Roo. - Arkham House, 1986. hc

[Beyond the Dead Reef (nv); The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever (ss); What Came Ashore at Lirios (nv)]

Ten Thousand Light Years from Home. - Ace, 1973. pb

[Harry Harrison. Introduction (in); And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side (ss); Beam Us Home (ss); Birth of a Salesman (ss); Faithful to Thee, Terra, in Our Fashion (nv); Forever to a Hudson Bay Blanket (ss); Help (nv); I'll Be Waiting for You When the Swimming Pool Is Empty (ss); I'm Too Big But I Love to Play (nv); Mamma Come Home (nv); The Man Doors Said Hello To (ss); The Man Who Walked Home (ss); Mother in the Sky with Diamonds (nv); Painwise (nv); The Peacefulness of Vivyan (ss); The Snows Are Melted, The Snows Are Gone (nv)]

Up the Walls of the World. - Berkley, 1978. pb

Warm Worlds and Otherwise. - Ballantine, 1975. 222 pp, pb ISBN 345-24380-3 [Cover by Don R. Smith]

[Robert Silverberg. Who Is Tiptree, What Is He? (in); All the Kinds of Yes (nv); Amberjack (ss); And I Have Come Upon This Place by Lost Ways (nv); Fault (ss); The Girl Who Was Plugged In (nv); The Last Flight of Doctor Ain (ss); Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death (ss); The Milk of Paradise (ss); The Nightblooming Saurian (ss); On the Last Afternoon (na); Through a Lass, Darkly (ss); The Women Men Don't See (nv)]


All the Kinds of Yes (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Warm Worlds and Otherwise. - Ballantine, 1975. [==Filomena & Greg & Rikki-Tikki & Barlow & the Alien]

All This and Heaven Too (nv) //IASF, 1985. Dec

Amberjack (ss) //Generation /Ed. by David Gerrold. - Dell, 1972.

And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side (ss) //F&SF, 1972. Mar

And I Have Come Upon This Place by Lost Ways (nv) //Nova 2 /Ed. by Harry Harrison. - Walker, 1972.

And So On, And So On (ss) //Phantasmicon, 1971. June

Angel Fix (nv) //Worlds of If, 1974. July/Aug [As Raccoona Sheldon]

Backward, Turn Backward (ss) //Synergy 2, 1988.

Beam Us Home (ss) //Galaxy, 1969. April

Beaver Tears (ss) //Galaxy, 1976. May [As Raccoona Sheldon]

Beyond the Dead Reef (nv) //F&SF, 1983. Jan

Birth of a Salesman (ss) //Analog, 1968. Mar (1st publication)

The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever (ss) //F&SF, 1982. Oct

Collision (na) //IASF, 1986. May

The Color of Neanderthal Eyes (na) //F&SF, 1988. May [also half of a 1990 Tor db]

Come Live with Me (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Crown of Stars. - Tor, 1988.

A Day Like Any Other (ss) //Tiptree J., Jr. Meet Me at Infinity. - Tor, 2000.

The Earth Doth Like a Snake Renew (nv) // 1973 [As Raccoona Sheldon]

Everything But the Name is Me (ss) //Starship, 1979

Excursion Fare (nv) //Stellar #7 /Ed. by Judy-Lynn del Rey. - Ballantine, 1981.

Faithful to Thee, Terra, in Our Fashion (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Ten Thousand Light Years from Home. - Ace, 1973. [==Parimutuel Planet]

Fault (ss) //Fantastic, 1968. Aug

Filomena & Greg & Rikki-Tikki & Barlow & the Alien (nv) //New Dimensions II /Ed. by Robert Silverberg. - Doubleday, 1972. [==All the Kinds of Yes]

Forever to a Hudson Bay Blanket (ss) //Fantastic, 1972. Aug

The Girl Who Was Plugged In (nv) //New Dimensions 3 /Ed. by Robert Silverberg. - Nelson Doubleday, 1973.

Go From Me, I Am One of Those Who Pall: (A Parody of My Style) (play) //Neat Sheets. - Tachyon Pub, 1996.

Good Night, Sweethearts (nv) //F&SF, 1968. Oct

Happiness Is a Warm Spaceship (nv) //If, 1969. Nov

Help (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Ten Thousand Light Years from Home. - Ace, 1973. [==Pupa Knows Best]

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (nv) //Final Stage /Ed. by Edward L. Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg. - Charterhouse, 1974.

Houston, Houston, Do You Read? (na) //Aurora: Beyond Equality /Ed. by Vonda McIntyre & Susan Anderson. - Fawcett, 1976. (Hugo & Nebula Award)

I'll Be Waiting for You When the Swimming Pool Is Empty (ss) //Protostars /Ed. by David Gerrold & Stephen Goldin. - Ballantine, 1971.

I'm Too Big But I Love to Play (nv) //Amazing, 1970. Mar

In the Midst of Life (na) //F&SF, 1987. Nov

The Last Flight of Doctor Ain (ss) //Galaxy, 1969. Mar

Last Night and Every Night (ss) //Worlds of Fantasy, 1970. #2

Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo (nv) //IASF, 1981. Sept 28

Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death (ss) //The Alien Condition /Ed. by Stephen Goldin. - Ballantine, 1973. (Nebula Award)

Mamma Come Home (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Ten Thousand Light Years from Home. - Ace, 1973. [==The Mother Ship]

The Man Doors Said Hello To (ss) //Worlds of Fantasy, 1970. Winter

The Man Who Walked Home (ss) //Amazing, 1972. May

The Milk of Paradise (ss) //Again, Dangerous Visions /Ed. by Harlan Ellison. - Doubleday, 1972.

A Momentary Taste of Being (na) //The New Atlantis /Ed. by Robert Silverberg. - Hawthorne, 1975.

Morality Meat (nv) //Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind. - The Women's Press, 1985. [As Raccoona Sheldon]

Mother in the Sky with Diamonds (nv) //Galaxy, 1971. Mar

The Mother Ship (nv) //If, 1968. June [==Mamma Come Home]

The Nightblooming Saurian (ss) //IF, 1970. May

On the Last Afternoon (na) //Amazing, 1972. Nov

The Only Neat Thing to Do (na) //F&SF, 1985. Oct

Our Resident Djinn (ss) //F&SF, 1986. Oct

Out of the Everywhere (nv) //Tiptree J., Jr. Out Of The Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions. - Ballantine, 1981.

Painwise (nv) //F&SF, 1972. Feb

Parimutuel Planet (nv) //Galaxy, 1969. Jan [==Faithful to Thee, Terra, in Our Fashion]

The Peacefulness of Vivyan (ss) //Amazing, 1971. July

Please Don’t Play With the Time Machine (ss) //Amazing, 1998. Fall

Press Until the Bleeding Stops (ss) //Tiptree J., Jr. Meet Me at Infinity. - Tor, 2000.

The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats (nv) //New Dimensions 6 /Ed. by Robert Silverberg. - Harper & Row, 1976.

Pupa Knows Best (nv) //If, 1968. Oct [==Help]

The Screwfly Solution (ss) //Analog, 1977. June [As Raccoona Sheldon] (Nebula Award)

Second Going (nv) //Universe 17 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1987.

She Waits for All Men Born (ss) //Future Power /Ed. by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois. - Random, 1976.

Slow Music (na) //Interfaces /Ed. by Ursula K. Le Guin & Virginia Kidd. - Ace, 1980.

The Snows Are Melted, The Snows Are Gone (nv) //Venture, 1969. Nov

A Source of Innocent Merriment (ss) //Universe 10 /Ed. by T. Carr. - Doubleday, 1980.

Through a Lass, Darkly (ss) //Generation /Ed. by David Gerrold. - Dell, 1972.

Time-Sharing Angel (ss) //F&SF, 1977. Oct

Trey of Hearts (ss) //Tiptree J., Jr. Meet Me at Infinity. - Tor, 2000.

The Trouble Is Not In Your Set (ss) //Tiptree J., Jr. Meet Me at Infinity. - Tor, 2000.

We Who Stole the Dream (nv) //Stellar #4 /Ed. by Judy-Lynn del Rey. - Ballantine, 1978.

With Delicate Mad Hands (na) //Tiptree J., Jr. Out Of The Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions. - Ballantine, 1981.

The Women Men Don't See (nv) //F&SF, 1973. Dec

Yanqui Doodle (nv) //IASF, 1987. July

Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light! (ss) //Aurora: Beyond Equality /Ed. by Vonda McIntyre & Susan Anderson. - Fawcett, 1976. [As Raccoona Sheldon]

Your Haploid Heart (nv) //Analog, 1969. Sept


Introduction to Quinn Yarbro’s Stories (in) //Yarbro Ch.Q. Cautionary Tales. - Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1978.












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[Б.а.] Tiptree, James Jr. //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 433.

Гаков Вл. 200 биографий. Типтри-мл. Джеймс //Фантастика века /Сост. Вл. Гаков . - Минск-Москва: Полифакт, 1995. С. 603-604. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Типтри-младш. Джеймс //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 555-556. [Портрет]

Вл.Г. Типтри-младш., Джеймс //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

Дозуа Г. Об авторе: [Джеймс Типтри-младший] /Пер. с англ. А. Комаринец //Пришельцы с небес: Старая добрая фантастика /Пер. с англ. - М.: ООО "Изд-во АСТ", 2002. С. 625-628.


Ash B. James Tiptree Jr. //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books Ltd., 1976. P. 192-193. [Жизнеописание удачливого псевдонима]

[JC/PN] Tiptree, James Jr. //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 607-608.

[Б.а.] Tiptree, James Jr. //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 1230-1231.

[Б.а.] Tiptree, James Jr. //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

Sheldon, Alice Bradley //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 130-131.


[Б.а.] Tiptree jr., James //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 607-608. [Foto]

[Б.а.] Tiptree jr., James //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 968-970. [Foto]

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Пошлите письмо А.П. Лукашину: apl_12 (at) yahoo.com.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Alexandr P. Lukashin

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